Be At One Healing

with horses

Land and Stables/Outbuildings

Could non-beneficial energies where you horse is living be contributing to health conditions and potential behaviour issues?
You may be reading this and thinking, what the...??? But yes it is true, there can be non-beneficial energies around us be emitted from the earth that can affect our health if we are exposed to them for a long period of time. I have had my own experience of this in properties I have lived, and also recently on the property where my horses live.
We have experienced some extremely strange goings on, which I eventually found the root cause of, and this was mainly Geopathic Stress. I am now extremely passionate about horse owners getting their horses' homes, and their own homes, checked and cleared of non-beneficial energies.
If we are trying to heal, or we are trying to help our horses heal, it can be an uphill struggle if non-beneficial energies in the environment are not supporting us, and potentially may be holding us back.
What is Geopathic Stress
The term comes from the Greek for earth, 'geo', and 'pathos', meaning disease or suffering.
There are different kinds, but in general these are underground earth energies which have become distorted in some way and are potentially radiating harmful rays to the areas above.
These energies can wear down your auric field, which can affect the way your immune system operates. Most healthy people and animals can cope with some negative energies, but natural stresses of life can make you more susceptible to these noxious energies. They can have a particularly profound affect if you are spending a lot of time directly above them, for example a stable, feeding location, office space or where you sleep, however it may not be obvious that something is wrong until after a year or two as the effects can be slow to take hold.
Potential signs of Geopathic Stress
For you horses
Horses in certain stables always suffering from some sort of condition e.g. laminitis
Behavioural or physical issues getting worse in months if horse is stabled more (particular times of years where there is lots of rain if water veins are present)
Horse not wanting to enter stable, often barges out, seems extremely agitated in the stable, unable to settle, possible sleep deprivation.
Sometimes the opposite can occur if a horse has been in geopathic stress for a long time, they can become very lethargic in their stable, may sleep a lot, but may perk up more when in their field
Geopathic stress will contribute to weakening the immune system, so horses may not heal quickly from cuts, may suffer regular from illnesses etc.
Horse can never settle in arena, spooks at same "invisible" (to us) things in the same areas
Horses not wanting to cross certain areas, spooking or taking off on particular stretches.
Unsettled in field, jumping out of field, spooking at water troughs or gates.
Check out my talk on how earth energies
may affect your horse
For yourself
Insomnia, unable to sleep
Upon waking feeling tired and general fatigue that you cannot shake
Feelings of stress or depression
Night sweats
Feelings of anxiety and unwillingness to leave the house
Rheumatism, hormone problems...
These are just a few please check out our Home page for more details about Geopathic Stress
Visible signs of Geopathic Stress
Animals that like geopathic stress zones include cats, ants, bees, wasps, rabbits, hornets, owls snakes, mosquitoes, fungi, bacteria and mold.
Look out for ant hills, moles hills
Cracks in building foundations, bricks and structures
Areas in your home/barn that are inexplicably damp
Constant electrical or mechanical breakdowns (light bulbs blowing etc).
Malformed trees may grow on geopathic stress lines, lacking fruit, stunted growth, susceptible to disease
Some questions to think about which may indicate if there is an issue with
Geopathic Stress

Did my horse start becoming unwell/suffering from this issue/start having emotional/behavioural issues after moving to this yard/stables/barn?
Does my horse refuse to go into their stable? Are they restless in their stable (always a mess to much out)? Do they perform any stereotypical behaviours in their stable (cribbing/weaving)?
On the opposite end of the spectrum do they become listless in their stable, sleeping a lot, seem very tired, but pick up when they go out in the field?
Does your horse’s health/behavioural issue get worse over winter months when spending more time stabled or months with lots of rainfall (when water veins may be flowing at higher speeds)?
Is there a particular stable at the yard where a horse always seems to come down with some sort of illness eg. Laminitis, colic..?
These energies can be checked and cleared energetically via distance