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Do you feel like you've been carrying the weight of the world?

Emotional Baggage.png

Perhaps it's physical pain that has brought you here, or perhaps an ongoing health condition that you just cannot seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try.

Maybe you are suffering from anxiety, feeling stressed, constant low moods or lack of energy

Our journey through life can take a toll on us emotionally and it's possible for us to retain negative emotional imbalances in the body, if they are not processed correctly or the body is out of balance due to other reasons, such as extreme stress. This 
means you are literally carrying around your emotional baggage.  If these imbalances accumulate, our premise is, as they are made of energy just like the rest of the body, they can exert an influence on the physical tissues, and may contribute to acute pain


Due to this effect they are having on the body, they may interfere with bodily processes, lower immune function and make the body more vulnerable to disease.  It's possible that they distort body tissues, block the flow of energy, and prevent normal function of organs and glands.

How can releasing imbalances & trapped emotions help me?

Releasing imbalances and trapped emotions can help improve conditions within the body so it is able to restore itself physically, and emotional difficulties may disappear or become much easier to deal with.  People often experience a feeling of lightness upon the release of trapped emotions, it can lead to big changes in how you feel and behave.

What are the Emotion Code and Body Code?

The Emotion Code is a form of energy healing pioneered by Dr Bradley Nelson.  The technique works to identify and release trapped negative emotions, which we believe are potentially harmful emotional energies stored from negative past events.


The Body Code includes finding and releasing trapped emotions, however it also goes more in depth into many other energetic imbalances in the body, as well as a physical side such as identifying toxins, misalignments and pathogens.


The human body has the powerful ability to restore its own health if conditions are right; so I am trying to help facilitate this process by removing any imbalances which may be preventing this from occurring.



Be At One Healing highly recommends reading the Emotion Code, which is an excellent place to start learning about energy and energy work.

to find out how we can start working

together to help you

What can the Emotion & Body Code help with?

Here are a selection of issues where imbalances in the body, such as trapped negative energies, may be a contributing factor...

  • Feeling stressed

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Physical discomfort anywhere in the body

  • Constant fatigue

  • Trouble conceiving

  • Anxiousness

  • Difficulty concentrating/focusing

  • Sadness, feeling unhappy

  • Digestive trouble

  • Poor relationship with food

  • Adverse reaction to particular substance


  • Nightmares

  • Difficulty in social situations

  • Dependency on certain substances

  • Skin problems

  • Weight issues

  • Lack of mobility

  • Reliving bad memories or experiences

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Feeling stressed

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Irrational fears


This is by no means an exhaustive list, as it is possible for any imbalances to contribute to any issue your body may be having.  Sometimes the release of imbalances may bring about instantaneous effects, however usually the effects are more subtle, their release often bringing about a greater sense of contentment and peace over time.

to find out how we can start working together to help you .

Can the Emotion Code & Body Code also help Children

NEW Children

Yes, it's possible that the Emotion Code can help with a child's issue.

Children are more aware of energies around them than adults are, and everything is energy. As they grow up children can take on the energies and beliefs of those around them, and slowly begin to become less aware of their innate ability to sense and feel energies.

It's possible to begin trapping emotions from the point of conception and whilst in the mother's womb.  Birth, although talked about as a wonderful experience, can actually be quite traumatic.  Imagine being in a lovely, cosy, warm environment with all your needs cared for and having to leave it all behind to be born in to a cold, scary world.  And what if the birth is a difficult one, a long labour or other issues?


It is also important to recognise negative imbalances our children may collect during school, family events, or any other occasion in their lives. Particularly during such difficult times in 2020/21.  These imbalances can have an effect on their behaviour and possibly lead to learning difficulties and relationship issues with adults.

Imagine how different your life may have been if you released negative imbalances and trapped emotions when you were younger?

How can you work with my child?


Please book in a free consult so we can talk about what is going on for your child.  If your child is under 18, it is not required to get their permission, however depending on the age and maturity of your child, you may want to speak with them about the work and have them involved.

We will also talk about whether it would be beneficial for you as their parent/guardian to also have sessions, as seeing your child suffering can take an emotional toll; clearing you both will help with you all moving forward to a more balanced future.



to find out how we can start working together to help your child.


Can you also help Animals?

Anyone who owns an animal or has a close relationship with one, will tell you that animals have feelings and emotions too.  These subtle emotions can be sensed or observed by owners, such as your dog showing excitement when about to go for a walk, or your horse showing satisfaction when you rub that itchy spot they can't quite reach. 



Animals are very sensitive and hence they can be extremely affected by their experiences in life.  In the same way that this negative emotional energy and other imbalances can become trapped in the human body, they can also become trapped in an animal’s body, thus creating imbalances which may lead to behavioural issues, pain or dis-ease



This can be particularly acute in those that have been mistreated or abused in any way, which can lead to them having high stress and anxiety levels, as well as a distrust of humans. 


Animals can respond very rapidly to energy healing because they have fewer subconscious limiting beliefs, their conscious minds don't get in the way as much as they do in people, and they are naturally more instinctive with self-healing.


Also due to animals highly sensitive nature they can pick up and absorb negative imbalances from those around them - this is why if you book a session for your animal I will check in to see if any of the issues are coming from you and release these for you also.

to find out how we can start working together to help your furry family member.

If you are having issues with your horse please check out The Heart to Horse Connection Programme  

Working Together

How we can work together

Watch this short video to find out how we can work together

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Stephen, UK

“I had my doubts about it working via distance, however after one session my back issue, which I’ve been suffering with for over 6 years, has completely gone away. It’s been 6 weeks now since my session.  I am very grateful for Kate’s help.”

"I have been having weekly Emotion Code sessions with Kate for a few weeks now. During this time I have released long term pain from my shoulder & hip which was a result of a car accident injury in 1994, & am now pain free.

Emotionally I feel more stable even though we have been in lockdown.  Kate totally puts you at ease to help you get the best out of your sessions. Thank you Kate."

Val, UK

  • How do you conduct an Energy Healing session?
    ​During a session I connect with your subconscious mind, this acts like a computer storing everything that has ever happened to you – even if you can’t remember it, it’s stored there somewhere. I use muscle testing to test for trapped non-beneficial energies related to whatever issue you or your animal may be having. This is where the body is able to energetically indicate answers to true/false statements by tapping into the subconscious mind. Once I have identified them, I may need to ask more information such as how old were you when this energy became trapped; often that is enough but sometimes a little more digging is required – you can imagine this like your subconscious mind rummaging through its filing cabinets until the right file is found! Once we have located it, I use a magnet to release it – this is a bit like using a magnet to wipe the strip of a credit card, all the information is removed – the energy from the magnet and my intention will release the trapped emotion for you.
  • How is it possible to conduct a session via distance?
    You could also ask how is it possible for me to see an image of someone and talk to them on the other side of the world? Or how does a light bulb produce light? We don't necessarily have to understand how these things are possible to utlilise their offerings. It’s all to do with energy, everything is made up of energy, we are all vibrating beings, even a solid object, such as a coffee table, has atoms within in that are vibrating. As energy is all around us, in some visible forms, and some not so visible, everything is connected through the Quantum Field. This can be felt when, for example, terrible things are happening on the other side of the world such as a disaster, on a subconscious level we can feel that anguish. And also vice versa for happy events that happen and bring feelings of joy to the world. Examples of where you may have experienced this connectedness are times when you may be thinking of someone and not long after you receive a phone call or message from them - well they were dialling you up on the energetic waves! Also sometimes we may have experienced thinking of a song and turning the radio on to hear that exact song. We all have the capability to connect to the energies of the universe, although some are more sensitive than others. Some scientific examples where this 'connected-ness' has been observed are, for example, the late 1930s experiment of the splitting of the atom. Scientists split an atom and sent two particles (or energies) in two different directions at the speed of light. After travelling a certain distance one of the particles was passed through a powerful magnetic field which changed it's direction. At the same time the sister particle would change direction too, at the same angle. The particles were communicating even though they were some distance apart! This phenomenon is known as Quantum Entanglement and no-one knows for certain how this works. Another experiment showed a similar phenomenon in human cells. White blood cells were taken from a subject and placed in a petri-dish. White blood cells are responsible for seeking out and destroying invaders in the body such as bacteria and toxins. The subject's electrical activity of his body was measured, as well as the electrical activity of his white blood cells which were equal. One of the subjects was shown footage of Japanese Kamikaze pilots during WW2 which had attacked aircraft carriers, of which he served on in the Navy. It was a terrifying ordeal at the time, and years later his body remembered this event and he felt acute anxiety whilst watching the images. This anxiety showed as readings on the electrical activity of body, which was expected by the researchers. However, what they did not expect was the exact same reading to be recorded on the petri-dish of white blood cells. On switching off the footage his electrical activity returned to normal in his body and in the petri dish. This test was repeated again and again as the scientists were so shocked at what they saw. They began increasing the distance between the man and the petri dish, ending up taking it to a lab several miles away, and the same observations were made. One of the most common phenomenons of connected-ness can be seen between a mother and their children - known as Mother's Intuition. They have been connected to their child whilst it was growing in their womb, and this connection continues energetically after birth, and as we all know, mothers seem to aways know what's going on!
  • What do I need to do before a session?
    There is nothing specific you would need to do prior to a session, however it is beneficial to be well rested and hydrated, without anything too stressful going on that day or the next. Also avoiding any other complementary therapy on the day of your session, and the following processing days (the days it will take for you body to shift the energies released).
  • How many sessions will I need for my issue?
    As everyone is unique it is difficult to say how many sessions you may need to help with your issue. Most people will find some relief or change after their first session but may need 2 – 3 sessions to get to the root of the issue. If it's been a condition you have been suffering with for many years it is possible you many need a number of sessions to see results, particularly as the body begins storing things energetically before any physical issues manifest, so you may have had the issue quite some time before it became apparent to you.
  • Is there anything I should do after a session?
    After a session the body needs a few days to process the release. This is a healing time, when you may feel some side-effects of processing the emotions that were just released (see next question). Drinking lots of water during this time will be very beneficial (think of this like an energetic detox), as well as a gentle form of exercise to help the energy circulate through your system (such as stretching or a short walk).
  • Are there any after affects?
    As with any treatment you may have, it’s possible to have what are called processing symptoms – the body needs to process the energies that are being released from it's energy field. Most of the time, processing is pretty mild and isn’t really noticed. You will usually feel lighter and less burdened. Other times you may feel some negative symptoms from processing, these may include: - some echoes of the emotions that were released - feeling tired - out of sorts emotionally (possibly feeling teary or crying) - feeling temporarily nauseous - worsening of any physical symptoms may occur after a session before they start getting better - memories of events that may have caused the trapped emotion, or recalling in dreams The effects typically only last for a day or two and they are usually very mild. If you have any concerns after your session, please get in touch.
  • Can Energy Healing help children?
    Yes, it's possible that the Energy healing can help with a child's issue. Children are more aware of energies around them than adults are, and everything is energy. As they grow up children take on the beliefs and limitations of everyone else, and slowly begin to become less aware of their innate ability to sense and feel energies. It's possible to begin trapping non-beneficial energies from the point of conception and whilst in the mother's womb. Birth, although talked about as a wonderful experience, can actually be quite traumatic. Imagine being in a lovely, cosy, warm environment with all your needs cared for and having to leave it all behind to be born in to a cold, scary world. And what if the birth is a difficult one, a long labour or other issues? Last but not least, it’s important to recognise our children’s trapped emotions that they may collect during school, family events, or any other occasion in their lives. These trapped energies can have an effect on their behaviour and possibly lead to learning difficulties and relationship issues with adults. Imagine how different your life may have been if you released your trapped emotions when you were younger? It's also important to note that parents are energetically connected to their children and therefore working on yourself will also benefit your child.
  • Can the Energy Healing sessions help animals?
    Yes! Animals are very sensitive and hence they can be extremely affected by their experiences in life. In the same way that this negative emotional energy can become trapped in the human body, they can also become trapped in an animal’s body, thus creating imbalances which may lead to behavioural issues, pain or dis-ease. Animals can respond very rapidly to energy healing because they have fewer subconscious limiting beliefs, their conscious minds don't get in the way as much as they do in people, and they are naturally more instinctive with self-healing. It's also important to note that animals may be 'energetically assisting' us with issues and taking on our energy - therefore working on ourselves will also benefit them.
  • Do animals have any after affects?
    Animals are generally much better at processing energy healing sessions than humans; however it is possible that they may exhibit processing symptoms such as sleeping alot or excessive yawning. If a specific behavioural problem is being worked on, it may get slightly worse around 24hrs after a session as the energies around that behaviour are coming to the surface and being released. As a pet owner you will be aware as to whether a behaviour is normal or not for your pet. Please note if you are ever concernced about your pet's health please do not delay in contacting your veterinarian.
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